The selections were made, a schedule refined. We close in on the day of commencement. We sit amongst piles of posters, flyers, telephones, clicking mice, tapping of keyboards. Big slamming sound goes off after a quick high pitched beep sound releasing yet another ‘mapping t-shirt’ from the heated grasp of the pressing machine.
So much goes into what we do that most people will never see. Here a few photos that give a small taste of what it is that makes that final moment, or in our case the many defining moments that will add to the already rich history that is the Mapping VJ Festival of Geneva.
Our first guest has already arrived. Sharing the office with us is Fernando Llanos aka Videoman along with his friend, the Chihuahua Chamaco who will wear a little video projector as part of one of the mobile video participants. Fernando’s beautiful sketches of Chamaco do little justice to this funny little guy. Besides the cute face he has a tatoo and the attitude of a peaceful punk about him.